Why I Started Running At 104kg

Originally posted on my old blog on October 1 2022

In 2021 I started running for the first time in a very long time. 

I was the heaviest non-pregnant weight I had ever been - 104kg, and past experience told me this could be a very VERY bad idea. 

But I was sick of feeling like a sloth. Don't get me wrong, sloths may well be my spirit animal and I love them, but that didn't mean I enjoyed feeling like one. Everything hurt, I had NO energy, and I really didn't like myself very much at all. 

Everything I had heard up until then was that fat girls shouldn't run. Bad for your knees, bad for your back, your huge tits will give you a black eye (or someone else). Just think of what it will do to your joints!!

But I heard of these ladies at a local running group called Heart and Sole NZ that a few friends had learnt to run with. These ladies were just like me! In fact, one just said last week she currently weighs 112kg, yet here she is, running further than the average person with no complaints. 

I've always loved the feeling of running, once I get my fitness up. The initial feeling, no, that fucking sucks, but once you're moving and your fitness is getting up - Runners High is definitely a thing. And so I wanted to give it a try, even though I had shin splints that would flare up every time I ran even a few hundred metres. 

So I started. And it sucked. I dragged one of my besties along for the ride and we bitched and moaned every single time. But we did it. About halfway through I had 3 wisdom teeth out and my recovery was pretty messy, so I missed a couple of weeks there, and at that time my periods were absolutely haywire so there were about 3 nights that I missed as I couldn't be too far from the bathroom. But yet, I still did it. Shin splints quickly became a non-event which was AMAZING. 

My knees were never an issue as we built on our distances very slowly.

My weak calves were the biggest issue, above fitness and everything, but even they improved over time and I have no doubt if I had managed to make it to more classes and homework sessions, I would have strengthened them even more. 

The aim of 0-5, like the Couch to 5k programs, is to build you up slowly with a couple of sessions a week, for 12ish weeks. The final run being a group 5km run where, ideally, you will run 5km non stop. I didn't manage non stop, but I did it, and it was amazing. The feeling of satisfaction you get from seeing something through to the end, it's just awesome. 

Let me be clear: I didn't start running to lose weight. If I HAD lost some fat, that would have been a bonus, but I was doing it 100% for my energy and to be able to get out and about with the kids more. 

And I didn't lose any weight. But as mentioned, I was battling wisdom teeth surgery and periods that were all over the place, so in all honesty, I probably did the bare minimum amount of training over the program. 

After the 5km run, summer got crazy hot, I got busy, and running got put aside. So when the Spring-summer round came up again this year, I wanted to try again, this time at 103kg but hopefully with a better starting fitness. I signed up, then promptly got Covid right before it started and so I missed the first 2 group sessions and 2 homework sessions and started very much on the back foot. 

I made it to one night, night 3, then the next day came down with Bronchitis and a sinus infection and so missed ANOTHER session and homework session. 

I've just managed a homework session and group session this week, and so far so good. Here's hoping I'm back into it now and can focus on doing better than last time. 

So my point is this: Don't let being heavier than you would like put you off doing something you always wanted to try, even if it is running. You still can nail your goals, no matter your size. 

Start slow, be realistic in your expectations and just get out there, be consistent and do it! For something like running, I highly recommend finding a group. There is just no way in hell I would have seen the last round through without having a group to meet each week!!

Have fun!!



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