Where to from here?
Health, Wellbeing Nikki Bollen Health, Wellbeing Nikki Bollen

Where to from here?

Nothing has improved since October, if anything things got far worse. I don’t think I’ve ever hated my body as much as I currently do. A dramatic statement maybe, but it is what it is. I have a lot of work to do to get back to more of a body-positive mindset, that’s for sure.

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Fresh starts, and all that jazz
Nikki Bollen Nikki Bollen

Fresh starts, and all that jazz

Between peri-menopause, not looking after myself, and also not caring enough to do so, I’ve gained a shit tonne of weight and I feel awful. We’re up in Auckland for Labour Weekend and while out shopping today, I caught a side-on glimpse of myself. I wasn’t expecting to like what I saw, but I stopped what I was doing and just wanted to cry. I looked like a gobstopper on legs. So round.

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I Didn’t Look Up At The Moon Tonight
Family Nikki Bollen Family Nikki Bollen

I Didn’t Look Up At The Moon Tonight

So, the hubbs has been away for 2 weeks. I have plenty of friends who’s partners go away for work (or pleasure) for longer all the time, and they get through, I know that. But in over 23 years together, we’ve never been apart for more than a week.

He comes home in just over 24 hours and to see we’ve missed him would be a massive understatement, but we’ve gotten by, school holidays and all.

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NZ Travel: Athenree Beach House
Nikki Bollen Nikki Bollen

NZ Travel: Athenree Beach House

Back in March I headed off on a “working weekend”. Two nights away from home with my diary, my laptop and a whole lot of enthusiasm.

I used to do this more often, but the last couple of years I’ve not done it at all, and I know I always get so much done with no distractions.

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Not A Fabulous Week
Pets, Life Nikki Bollen Pets, Life Nikki Bollen

Not A Fabulous Week

Massive weekend for our daughters dance show weekend - that actually all went smoothly and besides the dancers dropping like flies with a gastro bug, we got through that unscathed and happy to get to dance. Winning, right?

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