What Would 15 Year Old Me Say To Now-Me?
This is part of the 30 Day #Linkedinstorychallenge that I am a part of over on LinkedIn.
There are a few that are quite personal, and since I’m getting this blog cranking again, I wanted to share a few of them here. This is Post 4.
I’ve lost count of how many casts I’ve had. None for about 18 years, at least.
Post 4: What would 15-year-old you say to you today?
15 year old me was pretty sulky. I've often been reminded of how miserable I was, and how much I disliked where we lived and hated the world but no, I was just a typical 15-year-old with 15-year-old "problems". Those problems were really not that bad when I look back as a 41-year-old with "grown-up problems"
As a teenager, though? They were big. World destroying.
I think 15-year-old me would be pretty impressed with "today-me". I wanted to be a Physiotherapist and was just coming to learn that science and maths were not my jam and I really needed those subjects just to get into Uni. I knew I loved and was good at languages and writing, but hadn't really figured out I could use those to create a career all of my own. That words could earn you a living.
15-year-old Nikki would be pretty surprised that she didn't get married til 26 years old and have kids til she was 28 and 30. In her mind, by age 26 she was going to be married and done having kids.
28+ is so old. And 40+? Yikes. That's ancient. Aren't you retired and ready to shrivel up at 40? 🤣
I think younger-me would want to know HOW.
HOW did you create a career without going to University like all your friends? That was always the plan.
HOW did you end up not travelling the world after the Uni you didn't go to?
HOW are you still living in Tauranga?
You wanted to help people when you were an adult. HOW do you help them now?
15-year-old me had no idea what was to come. 17-19 year old me was in for some big surprises.